Etched glass in relief off the front doors of Iolani Palace, Honolulu, Hawaii. Iolani Palace is not a grand castle but perhaps, on the order of a decent mansion of the time. This is where the Kings and Queens of Hawaii kept court. The etched glass harks back to a more innocent time, a time of hula and of trust and naivete. It saddened me a little, looking at this etched glass for it speaks to the innocence of days of old, an innocence that has long since been lost. While Hawaii has gained much by becoming a part of America, there is also undeniably much of the culture and ambiance of the islands that is forever lost. Change is like the wind upon the mountain peaks, forever eroding the landscape and leaving little trace of what once was.
That is nice to see these glas panels. They are the ones I restored years ago. Now it looks like I have to do this again, since some burglars broke one of them.
Wow. Sorry to hear that. Some people have no respect for our Hawaiian heritage. Malama aina and Mahalo for sharing.
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