This Moorish Idol was photographed off of Waikiki in an area that is now a marine preserve. Moorish idols live on small crustaceans and use their long snout to poke into small crevices for food.
Photos of birds, fish, flowers and miscellaneous things that catch my eye and instill a sense of wonder.
There was a cluster of beautiful yellow flowers on a bush arching over the Waimea river, visible from the bridge. The flowers look like they are in the pea family. Upon closer inspection, an American Anole was also lounging beneath the flowers, perhaps waiting for passing mosquitos or bees attracted to the flowers.
I give up. I looked through a bunch of sparrows, finches, bobolinks and Buntings, all with those little squat conical beaks. Frankly, they are all starting to look the same. If you're a bird person, let me know what this little guy is. Until then, I'm calling it a Bunting for lack of a better excuse. The little yellow patch on the forehead should be a clue but ironically, none of the birds had quite that coloration. So I give up. Hints and name donations will be graciously accepted.
I saw these gorgeous flowers at a nursery the other day. I didn't catch the name of it as I was in a hurry but I'd guess that they are in the Pea Family. Funny, we don't normally think of Peas as trees but some of them get pretty big. This one looked like a type of coral tree, possibly a yellow form.
Found this White Tailed Kite (Elanus leucurus)at Mission Trails Park the other day. This was taken with a 500mm lens so, needless to say, the Kite was being a little camera shy. Try as I might, this was as close as it would let me get. I like to call these "hover hawks" because I see them hovering close to the highway waiting for ground squirrels to pop out of their dens. Outside of hummingbirds, they are the only other bird I have seen actively hover.
Here's a picture of a Vascostylis I snapped at a small orchid symposium. It's so seldom that most people get to see the huge variety of orchids outside of the things they carry in the grocery store, I thought this would be fun. The parents of this (Vanda x Rhychostylis x Ascocentrum) are from Southeast Asia.
I looked out my window and poof, no hummingbirds. I looked up and there was this huge red tailed hawk (not shown. The picture is a goshawk from Denali) looping around and even hovering. I find it hard to imagine that a big old red tailed would be eating teenie little hummingbirds. Just a mouthful of fluff. However, they must be on the menu or at least the hummingbirds think so. By the time I grabbed the camera, the hawk had moved on. Rats.
Another picture from the Bay. It's been storming out. Windy, cold & rainy so this is from November. There were ducks everywhere. Most of these are Ruddy Ducks. It took me a while to realize that the telltale blue beaks were gone because it's winter. Go figure. There was one Western Grebe, Aechmophorus occidentalis, in the middle.
Hahah. So much for the corny title, huh? The big white bird with the black legs is a Great Egret, Ardea alba. While once profuse, nesting in huge colonies, they were hunted for their beautiful plumage. Their numbers have since recovered somewhat but are now hampered by dwindling wetlands and human encroachment. They are still quite a sight to see. The smaller egret with the orange legs is a probably a Snowy Egret(note black beak vs orange beak for Cattle Egret), Egretta thula. These are a little more frequent.
I seem to have a little case of bronchitis, probably from all the dust and pollution in the air from those fires. While I was sitting in the kitchen sipping chicken soup the hummingbirds were there keeping me company. It was windy and rainy out and the feeder was whipping to and fro and, through all of that, some seven Anna's Hummingbirds were sucking food for all they were worth. They are amazingly tenacious little guys, considering their size.
The feeder ran out for a little bit and I suspect Bert the hummingbird has found a new home. However, Bert was quickly replaced by four new hummingbirds and a small family of finches. Without Bert chasing them all away, the population has grown a bit and the feeder now goes empty in about 3 days rather than in a week, like it used to.
Torch Happy and the Tall Man are having fun with the tourists but hey, it was Halloween and all. Oh, okay, so it was actually homecoming but pretty close to Halloween (one night off). You have to love the evil grin on the guys face. What was he thinking anyhow? And the tall man? I'd stand a little further back from those torches if I were him!
This is a picture of Cattleya Blue Grotto 'Takasaki.' If this doesn't look truely blue, you're not color blind and it is not a bad color reproduction. True blue is very rare in orchids and a coerulean blue, as with this flower, is what is typically called blue. It is a rare genetic mutation that causes the general lavenders and yellows to be replaced with this blue-lavender which is called a coerulea form.
Pelecanus occidentalis californicus. Whew. Brown Pelican. Oddly enough, they are not brown at all. There's no telling with common names. Looks grey and white to me. The Latin name means Western Pelican. Nothing wrong there. They were endangered for a while, apparently because DDT had caused their eggs to crack. They have since recovered and are quite plentiful along the coast and are not above begging for fish scraps in back of fishing boats.
Well, I'm all fired out. Enough gloom and stats for a lifetime. Here's a picture of Drosera capensis, a carnivorous sundew plant. They are really quite pretty, with their little deadly drops of red dew sparkling in the sun. The little gnats they catch probably think about the same, at least until they get stuck.
The huge cedar creek fire was only in 2003. That fire came within about 1.5 miles of the house. Now, four short years later we have the witch canyon fire and several others plus strong gusty winds and hot dry weather. Thankfully, these fires are a lot further away. Everyone is glued to the tv watching to see where the fire is going.
While I chose not to adorn my mantlepiece with this choice little trinket, they are kind of cute. They have them on sale at the San Diego zoo and they are normally handmade by natives and, thus, help some poor village. It made a nice picture too.
Meanwhile, the wildfires are raging in San Diego as are the dry desert (Santa Ana) winds. They expect gusts up to 70 mph which is not great for the houses out East. The city is under a blanket of smoke and reaks of burnt shrubbery. I've got all the windows closed and am hoping that our firemen will have managed to get this thing under control by tomorrow morning. Fingers and Toes crossed! Have a great Sunday.
I was looking out the rear window via the rear view mirror and I saw the little doggie nose prints on the glass and realized I still really miss that dog. Slowly, the tufts of fur and nose prints are getting wiped away and I suppose the memories will too. Still, it seems so quiet. Picture is of a Hawaiian Stilt I found on Maui.