Sonoran Poppy or Matilija Poppy, Romneya coulteri. If you have never seen a Sonoran Poppy, you are missing out! These fragrant flowers are the size of a dinner platter, all brilliant, crinkly white with glowing yellow-orange tassels for pollen and the yellow stigma rising up like some russian dome over it all. Wow... I saw these growing wild at Mission Trails Park during the Summer and had to snap a picture. I've loved these for years and keep saying that one day, just one day I'm going to buy some at the nursery for my yard (note that they are taller than a person so you do have to be careful where you plant them).
Oh, and for today's decadance... I just had some warmed King's Hawaiian Sweetbread with a scoop of mango ice cream inside. Yummmm...
I didn't feel like studying yet. It is Friday night after all so maybe a little of my awful poetry to amuse our gentle readers (or scare them off...).Brilliant, crinkly, white platters,
Yellow tassles waving in the breeze,
Pollen greats the tireless honeybee,
Reward for fearless travel from afar,
Each plays their part in next year's blossom,
Life renews each day a newborn start.
1 comment:
Oh no not that awful it’s more, hm, cute.
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