Friday, June 23, 2006

Keep Your Eye on the Snake?

Ever have a slow day at work where you were feeling not quite up to snuff? Perhaps a cold was getting you down or, heaven forbid, a late night on the computer? This man is not allowed to have slow days. I dare say he was very fast. In addition, there were TWO cobras, not one [I cropped the other one out].

Just after this picture was taken, they brought up a glass cup and pressed some venim out of the cobra's fangs. It was real. In the original, you can see that this mans eyes were glued on that snake like bees to honey. There was just the tiniest bead of sweat on his forehead.

The amazing thing is all the kids in the audience ran up to sit in the front row! There was no barrier between the stage and the front row. While I can understand the kids wanting to sit up close [totally rad] but their parents ought to know better. Later, they put a huge boa on your shoulders and snapped your picture for you but that's a story for another day.

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