Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hanging with the Orchid People

The flowers in the picture are from a Cirropetalum. They have these long tails that make them look like separate petals on a daisy. If you look closely, however, they each have their own sepals, petals and labellum (also known as a lip). The lips bob in the slightest breeze kind of like the heads on a spring on those fake dogs you see occasionally sitting in the back window of someone's car.

In any case, a whole bunch of us orchid nuts got together for a day of orchid slides, orchid powerpoint and a little orchid shopping. Overall, I think everyone had a nice time. Some of the attendees were from as far away as Brazil. In fact, a well known Brazilian orchid author was there signing her books! All in all, it seems a little geeky but harmless and good clean fun.

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