Saturday, April 01, 2006

Turkey Tales

Newt says the Republicans have lost their way. Essentially, he says they are talking the talk but not walking the walk. They have spent us into a hole and gotten us into another thankless war. Worse yet, they have stirred up a hornets nest of hatred for Americans worldwide. Some foreigners still differentiate friendship for our citizens from hatred of our policies but, after electing Bush Jr. to a second term, the lines are starting to blur. I'd like to think, in spite of all the government corruption scandals and the wanton pork barrel spending, that we still have one of the finest democracies in the world. The recent student protests related to the tightening of immigration laws gives me hope that democracy still works. Yet sometimes, I think we need to have another look at the practical ideals on which the country was founded and get back in touch with the citizens of this good country.

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