Saturday, April 01, 2006

Entering My First Photo Contest

I'm entering my first photo contest. Well, okay, I entered an employee photo contest way back when but this is the first one with lots of entrants and certainly the first in many years. The local newspaper is hosting it and the theme is nature photography. I've taken over a thousand nature photos in the last 3 weeks. Thank goodness you don't need to pay for developing with digital cameras or I'd be in the poorhouse. The camera already set me back pretty bad (sooo hungry... LOL).

I popped in one of my photos here just for chuckles. It's out of my shell collection. Pretty neat huh? Sometimes it seems like nature is so much more beautiful than anything we puny humans can create on our own.

I've been up all night resizing pictures to the required sizes and typing up entry forms. The hardest part was identifying what the heck I snapped pictures of. I've been going back and forth between shell books, bird books, fish books and the Internet. Tiring but really fascinating. I just figured out that there are many different types of Seagulls, some common, some not and most, hard to differentiate (of course). If I can't figure it out for sure with the bird book right in front of my nose, I suppose nobody else will either. Go figure.

I'm getting pretty sleepy about now and the chocolate can only hold me so long. So, I'm hitting the sack. Hope you liked the picture. Wish me luck!

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