Monday, May 18, 2015

Silly Signs

Every now and then you see a sign or a t-shirt or a slogan that's just so silly and outlandish that you have to chuckle...  Perhaps the secret is to be so outlandish that nobody will take it seriously.  This one was posted outside the Fathom Restaurant on the pier at Shelter Island in lovely, mostly sunny San Diego, California.

On another note, we have received 2.25 inches of rain so far, this May, making it the second wettest May on record.  The 2015 May rainfall was exceeded (so far) only by May 1921 with 2.54 inches of rain!  Ironically, relatively little of it is caught for human uses, the area being largely dependent on mountain snowfall over the Summer months.  This Winter was warm and dry, thus still leaving the area in the grips of the drought, less a little May reprieve for our gardens, canyons and wildlife, all of which clearly needed the water.

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