Saturday, January 03, 2015

Party on Mokoli'i Island

I'm used to seeing Mokoli'i as a quiet and peaceful view from Kualoa.  However, it was warm and sunny last Saturday and there was quite the party going on at Mokoli'i Island!  There were so many people, we found ourselves wondering if someone put the island in a guide book.  The beach was full of surfboards and kayaks and there were people wading between Kualoa park and Mokoli'i Island and others scaling the side of the slope.  The view is probably spectacular from the top of Mokoli'i and this camera nut looked wistfully over, wishing this little Nikon could take a panorama with a wide angle lens from the top.  Of course, that assumes that the camera made it over without getting soaked!  Perhaps one of these days, with a little preparation and a good, waterproof camera bag.

A nice peaceful view of Mokoli'i Island.  however, if you look closely, you'll see quite a crowd on the top and along the beach!

A buch of kayaks and surfboards/paddleboards along the shore.

People climbing down the somewhat treacherous slopes of Mokoli'i.

Even people wading back after enjoying the hike and view...

What do you think?  Would you be first on the list to scurry up those slopes to see that amazing view of the Koolau Mountains or does it seem like somewhere that people just don't belong?  It kind of looks like fun to me, but I can see both points of view.

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