Saturday, December 01, 2012

Turkey Albondigas

I had a craving for albondigas so it was off to Vons for ingredients. The meatballs are made with ground Turkey, mint, basil, garlic, onions and pepper & egg's not totally authentic but very tasty and a tad healthier. Spicy too.

If you want to try it, here's a rough recipe. Sorry, it makes a lot...

Pre-sautee in olive oil:
1 onion diced
3 cloves garlic, diced or mashed

Add to the onions and garlic in a large pot:
about a quart or two of water
1 bottle of basil sphaghetti sauce (or you can use tomato sauce)
1 small can of diced tomatos
about 2 cans of chicken broth (I used a ziploc bag of turkey broth left over from Thanksgiving)
1 tsp of garlic powder
1/2 tsp of pepper
1 tbsp of dried onion
1 large bag of frozen veggies (I'm guessing this is about 3 cups worth)
1 one pound bag of fresh carrots, diced
1 small box of pre-sliced mushrooms

Bring to a boil.

In a large bowl, mix:
1 package of lean ground turkey
dried onion, diced fresh mint, garlic powder, pepper and basil to taste (i.e., up to you how strong you want it)
2 eggs
1/3 cup raw white rice (which will absorb the flavor of the soup when it cooks)

Mix the meat mixture thoroughly.
Make into meat balls and drop into the boiling soup.

Let simmer on medium heat for about an hour (to make sure the carrots are cooked). I'd suggest tasting it along the way and adding spice depending on how mild or spicy you want it (sorry, I cook by the eyeball method -- no measuring cups, so you'll need to ad lib a bit.).

Let me know how it comes out!

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