Tuesday, August 24, 2010

These Aren't Your Grandmother's Sunflowers...

Double Sunflowers at the Hillcrest Farmers Market. Wow, sunflowers have come a long way from the single-row of petals and the sea of seeds that I grew up with!


  1. Doesn't something about these sunflowers say "Van Gogh" to you? They are gorgeous. When I was a kid, sunflowers were on the same level as dandelions. Not anymore, from my limited observation!

    I am loving yourb log. I'd send you links to mine, but it is closed to the public because of unwanted spam, and the trolls who feel the need to judge. I also haven't done much posting for about a year.


  2. Oh but they do indeed scream Van Gogh. In fact, I'd bet he'd be thrilled to have the variety of sunflowers we have today! They also had red ones and, yes, even black ones! Real fun, at least for us plant people. And, yes, when I was a kid, they were something the kids planted out back as kind of a mini-science experiment. I think they still are but they've also come up with rarer, more expensive varieties that are as beautiful as anything out there (IMHO).

    As for the SPAM and trolls, you can moderate them out. Great recipes by the way! Mmm yummmm.

  3. PS: Rita, thanks for the comment! It's always nice to know people actually enjoy my pictures and read my idle rambling!
