Saturday, May 08, 2010

It's Epiphyllum Season

Yellow Epiphyllum in the back yard, San Diego, California.


  1. in your backyard? how great. We've just 5°C atm, so only some bold tulips.

  2. Yeah, it's been going up into the 90s (F) in the desert here. Seems like we went right from cold to hot. Not a cloud in the sky today!

    On the other hand, bold tulips are nice too! I miss seeing the crocus pushing up through the snow!

  3. Never thought a Hawaiian could develop so much sympathy for snow :-), goodnight my dear.

  4. Living in Colorado will do that. I forgot the sprinklers on one year where we had an early freeze and woke to a wonderful icicle display off of all of the trees. Lucky for me it was warm enough that the sprinkler pipes didn't crack.

  5. Magdalena10:56 AM

    Hi there. Your epiphyllum is gorgeous! Would you be interested in trading a cutting or two? You can check out some of the pics of my blooms on Webshots ( if you'd like. I too am in the San Diego area. Happy Growing, Magdalena.
