Friday, January 09, 2009

Pot of Gold

Golden bromeliads beneath a Wahiawa rainbow. Well, I couldn't find that doggone pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. With this economy, the menehunes (mythical little people in Hawaii) probably spent it. However, there were some beautiful golden bromeliads (Portea species?) in full bloom and that was good enough to put a smile on my face.


  1. Aloha! made me homesick! Wahiawa is my hometown. Is that pic from the botanical garden? Or are you from Wahiawa too?

  2. Nah, the picture is from the Dole shop. We stopped to get some pineapple ice cream (yummm). No ka oi. I'm in SD but am from Honolulu. Mahalo for the comment.
