Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stanhopea connata

Wow. People see orchids in the grocery store, the hardware store, the drug store...but not like this! This is a Stanhopea connata. The flowers are large, waxy and extremely fragrant. Each specie in the genus has it's own unique lip structure, it's own unique smell and it's own unique bee that pollinates it. The flowers smell so strong you can smell them at 100 feet off. Unfortunately, they only last for a few days (or fortunately in the case of some of the stinkier ones). This one is blooming in my greenhouse right now! Wowzers...

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm....from San Diego...collects exotic plants....this picture looks a bit familiar...but his name is Arnold? I guess it's not you? ;)
