Thursday, April 03, 2008


Umbrella man was out the other day, slowly, ever so slowly gliding across the bay. It's not glitzy. It will probably never make it as an Olympic sport. He's not a vision of grace. However, he seemed to be enjoying himself. That's all that matters. Free country, including the right to be a little, well, different.


  1. LOL!! Oh my gosh, that's the funniest thing I've EVER seen on water! I've seen the kine where they stand up and paddle, but this is totally new to me! I doubt I'll be seeing that soon.

    well, unless I try it sometime soon.

    Happy Aloha Friday!

  2. Yeah, if you look real close, he had paddles too but I think he figured the patio umbrella was less work. He was going real SLOW.....but it was kind of cute.
