Thursday, November 09, 2006

What's the Meaning of Life?

At my coworkers funeral, there was a decent sized crowd but they were notably all from work. One of the bosses got up and said what a hard worker he was and how he never turned away work and traveled at the drop of a hat. Seeminly ironic things for a boss to say at someone's funeral who just died of a heart attack.

It does raise the question of legacy. What do we want to be remembered for and by whom? Do we want to leave a lasting impact in our community? Do we want to raise a family? Indulge in politics? Create revolutionary new technology? What can we look back on in our old age without regret? Is shipping hundreds of millions of semiconductors something to be proud of? Or do should we strive to be remembered for something more personal or even interpersonal? Is one good friend at your funeral better than a dozen co-workers? Curious minds want to know.

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