Thursday, November 02, 2006


Japan is a very crowded place. Lots of people and lots of cars all cramped into tight spaces. To deal with that, they have some of the tiniest little cars that are high but very short so they can squeek into little parking spaces. They also have these tiny little construction machines that look like a cross between a crane and a trencher. It's so tiny I'm not sure what keeps it from toppling over when it digs into the ground. The driver was apparently taking a break. Also kind of fun but hard to see in the reduced picture is the mini-fro (aka big hair). Most Asians have fairly flat hair but this guy had a little fro going which was photo-worthy by itself.

On another note, the halls at work were notably empty at 6pm tonight. While that may not seem odd in many work places, a lot of us typically work late. However, having our co-worker pass away of a heart attack, the third in 5 years and the second in 2 years, has apparently gotten the work force thinking about family, exercise and anything but working late.

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