Monday, November 20, 2006

Hawaii From Space

Ever wonder what Hawaii looks like from Space? You can see the the East side of all of the islands is greener and wetter due to the prevailing easterly tradewinds that constantly bring moist water laden air up off the ocean to cooler mountain slopes where the moisture turns into rain.
You can also see how the islands get bigger as you go South due to the volcanic hot spot that slowly moves South, thereby creating the Hawaiian island chain (now creating Lo'ihi south of the Big Island of Hawaii.
While Maui (looks like of like a tadpole from the air) looks smaller, it was likely one of several surviving peaks including Molokai and Lanai that make for a significantly larger land mass. In order from North to South, you have Ni'ihau, Kaua'i, Oahu, Moloka'i, Lana'i, Maui, Kaho'olawe and Hawai'i.

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