Saturday, November 04, 2006

Afloat in a River of Emotions

The Funeral is done. The church was magnificent. Lots of coworkers were there as well. The speeches were mostly very inspiring. Perhaps, my only regret is in not having gotten to know him better. Odd that you should learn that a person is so much deeper than what you knew at work by the testimonies of his family at his funeral.

I was getting a little teary at the end of it. You can try to keep it all in but somehow it always creeps out somewhere. I dodged the reception afterwards. The only thing more embarrasing than sniffling in public is sniffling among co-workers. I left a CD with some old pictures of happier times in the card. I've never seen him smile quite so much as those days so I figured I'd share those moments with his family. A parting gift from a wayward photographer.

I had a beer and a chicken salad for lunch. I feel better now. A little wattery eyed but no more sniffling. I could use a hug but hey, I'm the one that's still alive and kicking. That's something worth being grateful for all by itself. The food helped too.

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