Sunday, October 29, 2006

Is There Life After Work?

You work and you work and you work and one day you wake up and you're old... You've put off all of the fun things you thought you'd do "some day". Retiring early disappeared into just so much inflation and stock market dust. Is there really life after work or are we just destined to work until we're not useful to the employers anymore?


  1. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Please don't wait - grab as much fun from each day as you can - right now. I've just watched my in-laws wait and wait for retirement only to become so old and sick they can't do anything!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement. I just lost yet another coworker, three in the last 5 years, all young, hard working guys. I think three too many but it is certainly incentive for me to figure things out.
