Monday, July 24, 2006

Rock Jumping Stunts

I was chatting with a lady at Seven Sacred Pools as I was about to do a backflip off of a rock into one of the pools (pool #2, if you must know). Just before I flipped, I said, "what Mom doesn't know, won't hurt her!". I said it in jest of course. However, she, being a Mom, was not amused as her kids were jumping off of rocks as well(without a scratch I might add)!

These kids in Kihei had a running dare to see who could do the most outrageous thing off of that rock. This one did a handstand. Another did a spread eagle belly flop and the third (seen standing to the right) did a modified belly flop holding his feet and hands together backwards (you'd have to see it...). It made for some good amusement watching but I'd hate to be the one that had to pull one out of the water if they missed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Great pictures, as always. And we are sharing the same kind of summer heat here on the coast of Georgia. And so far, only one measely tropical storm, Alberto, that has paid us a visit.

    Too bad you didn't get those boys jumping in the water in video. That would have been great!!
