Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Happy Fourth of July

Happy Fourth of July! We spent the morning skin diving among huge schools of fish in Makena, made a dash for the shade of the aquarium in the afternoon and spent the evening dining and watching fireworks in Lahaina. Overall, a very busy day. The camera was very busy as well. This little Green Sea Turtle seemed to have a hankering for my lens and was being very photogenic.

About Makena, you need to walk over a somewhat trecherous lava field to get to the tide pools and small bays that people skin dive in. The lava is all pointy, sharp "a'a" (aptly named) so it's worth taking it slow and with a clear head (no colds, no hangovers). There are really cool anchialine pools along the way that are filled with greenish water with tiny red lava shrimp (opae ula, about the size of a pencil tip). They don't photograph real well from above but they are fun to watch. Once you get to the pools, don't let the small size of some of the tidepools fool you. They are full of myriad, brightly colored fish and sea creatures. Ironically, the best fish and schools are a little further out but the quietest, bubble/surge-free water is in the inner pools which makes for clearer pictures further in.

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