Thursday, July 06, 2006

Carefree Spinner Dolphins

There is nothing quite like the joy and fascination of having dolphins alongside your boat. I lay on the bow, looking over into the clear blue ocean, the deck texturing pressing into my skin with my feet hooked over a railing. The spinner dolphins paced the boat, cruising effortlessly through the water like birds in flight, neither swimming away nor being overtaken. Every few minutes, a few dolphins would peel off to the side and jump in rapid spirals into the air, seeming expressing the sheer joy of being wild and free within the ocean. Eventually, the boat stopped to look at the lava formation on the edge of the bay and the dolphins cruised off to investigate a kayak, leaving in as carefree and fun loving a manner as they came, spinning leaps into the air, water splashing into bright droplets as they pummeled back into the sea. As they moved into the distance, I am left with wonder at how they can live so simple and carefree a life, no worries to drag them down, just a certain curiosity and joy for life that makes these creatures so very precious.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Beatiful photo. I often wonder how we've gotten ourselves (humans) so wrapped up in life. Why is it that we can't enjoy life as it is as opposed to finding ourselves working like dogs. I'm searching for the simple life, and working to make it a reality.

    Hope you are enjoying your trip.
