Saturday, July 22, 2006

Bat Rays

It was 99F today. HOT. I could hear the whine of air conditioners as I watered the yard this morning. I was hoping the water in the yard would cool things down at least a little bit. We were toughing it out with the windows open but, at 2pm, the power went out. That was the last straw. It was Beach Time!

When it's hot in San Diego, it seems that half the city goes to the beach. Parking is horrible and there are huge mobs on the sand, on the boardwalk and in the water. It's not bad if you get there early in the morning but by afternoon, it's packed to the gills. So we opted for the infamous Black's Beach instead of the more accessible Mission Beach or La Jolla. Black's requires a lengthy hike down a steep sandstone cliffs that can be slippery and trecherous at times. Needless to say, Black's never gets quite as crowded as the mainstream beaches.

I like Blacks because it has more wildlife. In the winter, when it's pretty empty, there are huge flocks of birds and sometimes there are dolphins surfing in the waves. Today, there were Bat Rays. If you stood in one spot, you could see up to 10 or more hovering over the sand within any 20 foot radius. They were about a foot long, probably babies feasting on the plentiful clams and crustaceans in the shallow tidal surge to fatten up before they risked the open ocean. They were actually pretty cute and a lot of fun to watch. You did have to WATCH to make sure you didn't accidentally step on one (major downside of wading with Bat Rays); however, if you were careful, they provided great entertainment.

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