Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Through the Looking Glass

I decided to take some "underwater" photos at the aquarium last Sunday. It was fun although a little tricky. I tried it using the flash to light up the subjects and, if they were close enough to the glass and you had the angle of the flash at enough of an angle so you didn't get the glare off the glass, you got some pretty decent pictures.

The water is chilled since a lot of the denizens are from local waters (which are quite chilly) or from deep water habitats (which are even chillier). That means that the glass was often covered with condensation. Remembering that from the last time I tried to take pictures at the aquarium, I brought an old t-shirt to wipe the glass. Thus, I snapped some nice pictures and the aquarium received a free glass cleaning as I removed all the nose and finger prints with the condensation.

Picture: Some sort of Spiny Spider Crab (I dare you to say that 5 times fast!)

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