Saturday, June 17, 2006

New Addition to the Wayward Family

Well, nothing too profound. I went to the petshop and bought six new golden Gourami for the fish aquarium. The old aquarium's been looking a little lonely every since Mrs. Discus went to Discus heaven. Mr. Discus has been hiding in back of the plants and the aquarium looked more or less like an uninhabited jungle. Once in a while the clown loaches would come out for food and you'd realize there really are a lot of fish underneath all those Java ferns. The rest of the time, it just looked a little too quiet. The Gourami settled right in and were eating within minutes. In fact, they spend most of their time begging for food at the glass or hunting through the plants for something tasty. All in all, the aquarium looks a little more lived in.

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