Monday, May 08, 2006

Violas For You!

Just a little viola picture for the readers to thank you for reading my little blog, for the great comments and for the wonderful email. I hope you're all doing well and having a happy Monday!

The violas, by the way, were growing along side the sidewalk in La Jolla [I was off to take more seal pup pictures]. It shows that there is beauty in the ordinary if you take the time to look. Try it sometime. Turn off the labels [v-i-o-l-a...] and actually look at the colors, textures and forms. Perhaps, even stop to feel the surface [rough, smooth, cool...]. It's fun and you'll notice all kinds of things you've never seen/experienced before. For example, ever stop to feel the bark of a tree?

Pictures do something similar for me. In pictures, you can freeze things that are otherwise transitory/ephemeral and for animals, in particular, you end up noticing different characteristics, habits, species, just all kinds of fun things.

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