Sunday, May 21, 2006

Squash and Such

I woke up early today to drive to the Farmer's Market. The drive confirmed my belief that San Diego has some of the worst drivers around [up there with Boston and New Mexico, LOL]! I had one car buzz right through a stop sign and, had I started to move when my turn came, would have been smeared. He didn't even slow down and I'm not even sure he/she saw me at the four way stop. There were still more aggressive, rude drivers on the highway and a few more surface street shenanigans which I won't bore you with.

Still, after a mildly exciting drive to the market, I had lots of fun at the market. There is always a riot of color, especially in the Spring. It's perfect for a camera nut to just go wild. The delicate crepe-orange, squash blossoms at the produce vendor were just calling to be photographed. The cactus man had all sorts of bright rose-pink flowered cacti in bloom. The Australian plant vendor had his usual myriad of Proteas and furry red and orange Kangaroo paws. The flower vendor had big 5 gallon buckets of newly opened, white calla lillies. I was was in a smorgasbord of color. Add an orchid purchase, a home made chocolate truffle and a back massage at the massage booth and it made for a really nice morning. It was totally worth the drive (wild drivers and all).

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