Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Spoil Sport?

Here is a picture of the culprit that unscrupulously chased away the huge flock of plovers I was taking pictures of the other day. At first I was pretty annoyed since it was such a totally amazing, huge flock of plovers and since I was so entraced watching them chase the waves back and forth in swarms. However, after thinking about it, I remembered all the times, as a child, that I had the temptation, the unstoppable urge, to see a flock of birds go flying up in a surge of wings. What is it about chasing birds that just brings out the child in us? Have you chased a bird lately?


  1. Anonymous5:55 AM

    I think one reason we like to chase birds is that we are thinking of how it would be to be able to fly. As a kid, I would tie a towel around my neck and pretend that I was Superman - running and somehow believing that one day, I would vault into the air, just like the Man of Steel. Of course that never happened, but maybe watching birds take flight is that fantasy coming true.

  2. I did that too. I stretched to towel between my arms like a kite and thought that, if I ran real hard and jumped real high, I might sail along like a bird, even if only for just a little bit.
