Thursday, May 18, 2006

Fat Boy

Do you ever read graffiti? Although modern usage for the word graffiti typically refers to defacing some public structure with writing, pictures, etc.; the term graffiti derives from Greek "graphein" to write. Most typically, you'll see names, nick names, statements of love and occasional political messages. This one was left by someone called Fat Boy M. Or perhaps, it was left by Boy M and someone came along and added Fat later just for chuckles and grins. I suppose only FBM will ever know for sure. Of course, if you were called Fat Boy, would you want to engrave it into rock for perpetuity? I suppose it might have some sort of sentimental meaning or perhaps it's there in protest? Either way, the sandstone will eventually turn into just so much more California beach sand and Fat Boy will be replaced by Joe loves Sara or some other message of the moment. If you could carve a mesage, what would it be?

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