Friday, April 28, 2006

Live Aloha

Aloha in Hawaiian means many things such as hello, goodby, greetings and love. The word is found across Polynesia in close variations. In Tahitian it is pronounced Taroha. In Samoan it is pronounced Talofa.

Aloha is probably one of the most widely known Hawaiian words. When people think of Hawaiian words, they almost always think of the word "aloha". Still, how many people really know what Aloha means? What does it mean to live with Aloha? Better yet, are there places where living with Aloha is still alive and well?

Hilo, Hawaii is one of those places where the Aloha Spirit of days gone by is still alive. Most people in Hilo are not rich. Money, perhaps, is not the highest priority in their lives. They are quick to smile and friendly to everyone, strangers and tourists included. The nice lady in the picture was happy to pose for a picture with those gorgeous flowers that she probably grew and arranged herself. The pot is really just a coffee can wrapped in Ti leaves but it has a certain Hawaiian beauty to it. The point is she was happy to stop what she was doing and put on that big smile just for me. The other people were just as friendly and as eager to help. They were living Aloha.

Sometimes, when I get back to San Diego I wonder if Aloha was ever in California? People are rushing everywhere. Frowns and stares are everywhere. Cars are quick to cut you off on the highway, especially if you put on your turn signal. Everything is business and money. We are all symbols on corporate balance sheets. Where is the Aloha? Is it here? Is it anywhere anymore, anywhere outside of my beloved Hilo. Perhaps someday I will find it. Until then, Aloha Kaua (May there be friendship between us); Aloha 'Oe (May you be loved).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:07 AM

    No body here yet? I guess I'm da first hea! So true about the meaning of Aloha..way different from where we live; you live in Mainland and I live in O'ahu...which is totlaly different from the place where I was born and raised in Kona. Will come back here if you ever write anotherstory....
