Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Cleaner Wrasse

The Cleaner Wrasse is so named because it creates a station on the reef where other fish come to have their parasites cleaned. The other fish stay very still and typically open their mouth and gill flaps for the hungry Cleaner Wrasse to nip out worms and small parasites. The amazing thing is that many of these other fish would otherwise and could easily eat the cleaner wrasse as a quick snack. Every more amazing is there are many other cleaners in the sea including other species of fish and some amazing peppermint-striped Cleaner Shrimp. The Ocean is an awesome place.

Some people are like cleaner wrasses. They spend their days fixing other peoples' problems, nipping out issues and irritants. In fact, some people, such as ombudsmen, make careers out of fixing issues. Every ecosystem has their sharks, their herbivores, their chain of carnivores and their cleaners. Every wonder where you fit in the ecosystem?

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