Monday, April 24, 2006

Beach Days On the Horizon

Lots of people think that San Diego is warm and sunny all year long. While there is some truth to that relative to the rest of the United States (barring Hawaii and Puerto Rico), Winter can be still be a little nippy. This is caused by the cold Alaskan current that circles down past Washington and along the California coast. This same cold water also causes the arid, sunny weather that San Diego and the Baja is reknowned for. Unfortunately, it makes swimming mainly a summer affair except for the more hardy among us.

Thus, it is with great anticipation that we wait for June through September where the water enters the high 60s and 70s and we can actually swim at those incredibly scenic coastline beaches. Beach going is fair game most of the year and so is surfing with a wetsuit but if you want the full experience you have to wait until summer. Of course that's only a month or two left to get back into swimsuit condition and shed those Christmas leftovers!

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