Sunday, March 05, 2006

Swimmers versus Seals

They have this nasty legal fight going on in San Diego over who gets to use the Children's pool. Apparently, it was bequeathed to the City to provide a calm, safe spot for the children to swim. In the intervening years, the sand has built up and the calm pool has turned into a sheltered home for spotted fur seals. Sea lions are pretty common in California but fur seals are not the easiest thing to spot, generally avoiding our crowded beaches and harbors. Having them actually pupping in a public-viewable area is nothing short of miraculous and, in my opinion is a true gift to not just the children of San Diego but to all the viewing public, tourists and all. Today, there must have been some 20 pups visible. Some frolicked playfully in the water. Others were guided through the water by their mothers, ever so gently learning about the ocean. The greater majority nursed and sunned on the warm, white sand beach. Over a hundred-fifty seal photos later I mosied on down the coast and found this diver in shell cove next door. Obviously, there is space for both seals and people, if we allow it. Besides, people have public pools, seals don't.

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