Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Birds of a Feather

These two little birds are called Marbled Godwits. They are reasonably people tolerant and even frequent popular swimming beaches, especially when there aren't too many people splashing around. This picture was taken on Sunday at Mission Beach, San Diego. I suspect they use those long, sneaky beaks to get down into the sand to feast on sea worms and other such delicacies. In any case, they are certainly photogenic.

On another note, one more friend quit work. It seems like most of the people I like eventually leave. On the bright side, new people that I typically like come in to replace them (with a few exceptions here and there) so I suppose it's not all that bad. I am, however, starting to feel like I've been there for an awful long time. It's kind of like being in a roomful of people 10 years younger than you; it makes you wonder if you belong there. Still, if you're having fun and the money is fine, I suppose there's no reason not to stay. Perhaps a reader's poll is overdue. How long at one job is too long? When do the cobwebs start to gather between your ears? I want to know.

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