Thursday, February 23, 2006

Goblins on the Loose

Goblins. No, not right wing conservatives. Shrimp. Goblin Shrimp. These little guys are found in incredibly deep water (below 700 ft) and use their brightly colored spines to avoid becoming a chicken tender for passing hungry fish. Now, just how these little babies came to be collected is a bit of a mystery to me just as how Orange Roughy gets from spawning on deep ocean sea mounts to my table top also baffles me. So far anyhow, only the Roughy shows up in the seafood case. Lucky for the shrimp.

About now, I'm really wondering if anyone reads my late night ravings and rantings. If you are lurking out there and enjoy reading my postings, please send a note. Who are you? Any particular topics you would like covered? Otherwise, the Goblins rule.

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