Sunday, February 12, 2006

Awake again

I couldn't sleep again. I could sit in bed and stare at the ceiling but then it's much more fun to sit here and post. Have you ever wondered what the human brain does when you sleep? Why you so seldom remember? Is it because you would confuse your real waking memories with your dreams if you actually remembered your dreams? Do you suppose that is where deja vu moments come from? Awk, but I am rambling.

I drove to the beach today. San Diego has a long board walk that goes miles up and down mission beach. It's a great place to walk, bike or roller blade. They even have stripes painted so the bikes, blades, skates and boards don't run into each other. Works more or less although there is almost always someone in the wrong lane. Either way, the extra exercise of dodging them has got to be worth at least a few extra calories. Oh where did that six pack go anyhow...?

This time, however, my crafty little camera made it into my pocket in hopes of snapping a seagull or some nice ocean panoramas. The weather was oddly hazy, possibly from the ocean mist. The wind was a little cold too but otherwise, it was sunny and half-way warm. Half the people seemed to be all bundled up and the other half where showing skin. I managed to snap a picture or two of the beach. There was a whole herd of surfers going into the water (perhaps 20+ of them). Made kind of a neat picture. We'll see if it really comes out as I was buzzing buy on the blades at the time.

Do you believe in photo Karma? Half the pictures didn't come out. Apparently the dial setting on top was rotated out of place in my pocket. Annoying thing that. Makes you wonder if someone just didn't want their picture taken. Wooo haaa haaa...

A little while later my skate latch sheared off of the boot. Now that is taking photo Karma a little too far. Leave the boots alone, dude. Nobody touches the boots! In Hawaiian, they would say, eh brah, no make like dat.

Oh course, that just depened the adventure (as I skated with unbuckled boots). A little wobbly but over all functional. No jumps or hops, just keeping the feet on the ground (and definitely no railings).

That got me motivated so it was off to the store. Well it just happens that the sporting goods store is right next to the grocery store so I hit two myna birds with one stone (real trick cuz mynas are real fast, tough, loud birds).

The guy in the store is really helpful. Looks about 20. I call him over to ask about the skates and in the process notice that he's missing an arm. Now, I'm thinking to myself, I wonder what happened to this dude. Looks healthy enough. Maybe a car accident? But then it seemed so rude and inappropriate to ask so I bagged it. The cheap skate apparently had more/better bearings so we try that first. The boot hurt.

I am a fan of comfortable feet. I will not put on a boot, skate or ski, that hurts. Been there, done that. So, we try the mid-grade boot. This one is 1/3 off, sale priced at $99. It also fits very nicely on my somewhat wide Hawaiian feet (from many years of running bare footed). I skate up and down the aisle a few times and manage to not take out any racks or people. It's a sale.

It's off to the grocery store. Valentine's day is coming. I ended up with some orange roughy and some filet mignon. You ever wonder what mignon means in French? Could it be a really feisty cow (as in "mean one") ar ar ar? The king crab legs looked real good too but it all adds up fast. Figured I had found enough for at least a little festivity.

I've been making a festival out of it. First I bought this silly singing plush bear that sings about how much I love you. Then, it was paper cutout hearts. The following day, a beautiful, phalaenopsis with prisine white butterfly-like flowers on a gracefully arching stem. The petals are so thin, they flutter in the breeze like real butterfly wings. The next day, chocolate covered nuts. What indeed can it be tomorrow? They're all stashed in the closet. He'll probalby peek. Rotten rotten rotten.

I sent a valentine to my Mom too. Didn't know any florists back home anymore so I settled for sending money with a custom, home-made card exclaiming that she is undoubtedly the best Mom I could have ever had. She can get her own flowers or, as I'm hoping, take herself and her wonderful boyfriend out to dinner. That would be nice.

I've been playing video games since finishing up with the Valentine's day mischief. City of Villains, a massively multipler online game. Easy to get all caught up in it, but that's for another story. Getting sleepy so I'll catcha next time.

Hana hou,
-The Wayward Hawaiian

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