I'm down to the last class (tomorrow) in the last year of law school. It's kind of sad to see everybody go but it is also a relief to be finishing things up. Meanwhile, the weather has warmed up again, just in time to taunt you from outside the classroom windows. Oh wait, we were in the basement, weren't we? At least the long walk from the parking garage to class was just a bit cheerier.
Peace and silence at the Immaculata Church at USD on the Saturday before Palm Sunday. Note palm fronds. This was a long exposure as the church was dark at the time.
Virgin Mary Statue above the entrance to the Immaculata Church at USD. Alas she had a broken thumb which just seemed so unseemly that I edited in a new thumb in for her.
Euphorbia characias(?) blooming in the back yard. Note that the female part of the flower in the center is separated from the male parts of the flower on stalks (sorry, still in closed bud). This is likely to discourage self-pollination.
California Pond Turtle (or Northern Pond Turtle), Actinemys marmorata marmorata. Found from San Francisco north through British Columbia. They survive Summer dry spells by estivating in the mud (like hibernating but during the Summer...).
Masdevallia ignea. These glowing little orchids are from the Columbian rainforest at around 10,000 ft. They tend to grow on the cool side and need good water.