Parrotfish (Uhu) and Miscellaeous Tangs (Palani, etc.) on Ice at Tamashiro Market. Christmas and New Years are a big deal in Hawaii and people pull out all the stops to celebrate, normally with heaps of food and socializing. I bought my Mom one of those big, beautiful, red Uhu that I rubbed with Mrs. Dash and steamed. Once cooked we poured hot, ginger-infused oil (an Asian thing) over it for that extra bit of ginger flavor. Fish for the holidays is a sort of traditional Hawaii thing although we had crab, chicken, turkey, ham... I even bought some live blue crabs for the for my sister and aunt to munch on (steamed/boiled). Needless to say, everyone else brought all sorts of food as well and a good time was had by all.
Admittedly, I had mixed feelings about seeing all the fish on ice. On one hand, I was amazed by all the incredibly large, truculent fish for sale at very reasonable prices. It brought back fond childhood memories. On the other hand, I was a little saddened to see my beautiful photo buddies on ice. It's a tradition, however. I only hope the fish stocks in Hawaii, perhaps through active management, can permit this sort of thing far into the future.
As we head into the new year, I find myself feeling cheerier about things (in spite of the recently burst hot water pipe under the house and pending repairs). Spending some time with Mom and the family was a nice break from the hectic pace here in San Diego and I feel recharged (even with a bit of the Hawaiian sniffles).
So, as the New Year fast approaches, I'd like to wish my friends here online (and offline too!) all the very best for 2010 with your dreams come true and much success. For the Asians out there, Gung Hee Fat Choi (not quite Asian New Year but close enough); health, wealth and happiness. Haouli Makahiki Hou and special hugs to Martin, Karen, Sharene, Ms. Birdie, Pierre, Stephen, Steve and David!