Lichen, glowing gold in the late afternoon sun after a Winter rain. Lichen is a pioneer plant, growing on rock that sets the process going towards creating organic matter for other more complex plants to grow in.
Photos of birds, fish, flowers and miscellaneous things that catch my eye and instill a sense of wonder.
The ducks are back! Meanwhile, Dad's got a firm hand on Junior's leg while Junior feeds the ducks and coots. Otherwise, Junior would probably dive right in! I remember when I was a kid and my parents would take me to the zoo to feed the pigeons. Yeah, they were just pigeons but it was a big thing back then and going to the zoo was free. Good, cheap, fun. We used to bring palm leaves for the petting goats from the Areca palm in the front yard too. Sometimes it's the little things that make life fun.
Schomburkia spledida. These orchids come from Colombia and Ecuador in dry montane forests at around 2000-3000 feet. The flowers bloom out in huge balls of color with bright pink bracts and glossy, walnut colored sepals and petals and that bright lavender lip. The only downside is that they grow quite large and the flower spike is even larger, stretching up some 3-4 ft. They are pretty enough to be worth the wait!
Meanwhile, I'm getting back into the swing of the things. You know the drill, work, study, sleep, eat. Everyone at work is being quite supportive. After work, I went down to the no on 8 headquarters and it was kind of sad, seeing it empty and dark after all the hustle and bustle. I could become a campaign junkie, addicted to all the excitement and cool people that get together! A doggone shame that it takes such an evil proposition to get all those nice people to get together.
I'm a little tuckered out right now after the roller coaster of emotions associated with proposition 8. I really shouldn't be rolled around by these things anymore as the religious right has been throwing these propsitions at us for years without end. I ought to be numb by now but somehow it always hurts a bit knowing that there are strangers who would be so quick to judge us without having even met us. Of course, they don't deserve the satisfaction of causing us grief. They've caused enough mischief for one election year without us giving them any more benefit to their misdeeds.
The flower in this picture is from Mission Gorge Park. It signifies rebirth of hope out of the dry, seemingly lifeless twigs that the delicate flowers faithfully burst forth from each year. Life, you see, goes on and we are but a blink of an eye in the cosmos. Sometimes, it's best not to take ourselves and our politics too seriously. At least, not until the next battle, for it will surely come.
The polls have closed. The results are rolling in. Senator John McCain has conceded and we have a new president elect, Barak Obama. The vote is going strongly Democrat and the Democrats are likely to hold a healthy majority in both houses of Congress. This is a huge repudiation of the policies of the current administration and a strong comment by the people of this nation on the adverse state of the economy and of our international policy. It provides hope that sometimes the people can see beyond the divisive strategies used by the Repulicans and can rise up for something different.
On the other hand, the very misleading advertising on the pro-proposition 8 campaign has, with a minority of districts reporting, been effective with proposition 8 in the lead, 54% to 46%. The news does not say which districts reported so far. Overall, the stance on proposition 8 has been heavily biased by district with rural districts being generally pro-prop. 8 and urban and city districts being generally against prop. 8. Overall, this one will probably not be decided until late into the night.
Of course, prosition or not, the bigotry will not stop overnight. The vitriol behind this proposition proves that discrimination is alive and well in Amercia, even in California. Still, there is hope to be found in the amazing degree of support for the gay and lesbian community shown by our political and corporate leaders in one of the most expensive proposition-related political campaigns in U.S. history. There is hope in the support shown by our youth voters and by our educated and professional classes. There is hope in the strong Democrat majority in the State and in Congress. There is hope in the growing awareness of gay and lesbian issues. This proposition will be a nail biter into the night but perhaps the real battle is being fought every day as we make people aware of the bigotry and injustice faced by gays and lesbians. Progress is slow and always hard won but I can atest that, even in my lifetime, attitudes have changed dramatically and proposition or not, that march towards equality will continue.
California fuschia, Epilobium canum. This was blooming in the parking lot at Mission Gorge Park. It was really nice to see any wildflowers blooming during this hot, dry time of year. That being said, it rained today for the first time in months (of any significance anyhow). Traffic was slow and packed on the highway. I'm not sure how it affected the voting crowd. The polls will tell later tonight.
Stenoglottis (longifolia x fimbriata). Stenoglottis are terrestrial orchids from South Africa where they grow in humus or on mossy rocks at around 1300 meters. This one is a hybrid but looks very much like its parent, Stenoglottis longifolia. They are deciduous and loose their leaves each year causing a bit of worry only to pop back up shortly thereafter for the following year. The rest period in California is somewhat shorter, likely because I have them mixed in with the tropical epiphytes and the water doesn't cut off like it would in their native South African habitat. My plant has bloomed faithfully for years now, a present from a friend in the AOS judging system.
There are clouds and cold breezes today. It looks like rain. Perhaps it is a nice break after all the heat although the sun was indeed nice. Where was the rain yesterday when the out of state (and in-state) proposition 8 supporters were congregating in the stadium? I don't understand why people that oftentimes have never met an out gay or lesbian can be so vitriolic in their discrimination and hatred. Or, perhaps that is the precise problem. The gays and lesbians in their own families and among their own friends are suffering silently in hiding, allowing the bigots to go on believing that they don't know any of "those" gays and lesbians. Or, maybe, they, themselves, are deep in denial. Could it be?
The neighbors had a Halloween party tonight. I put on my little plastic suit of armor and a long plastic sword. What would we do without plastic anyhow? Of course, the suit of armor gives an instant muscular physique that's tough to beat! Everyone had a nice time and I'm feeling a little plumper now after nibbling on the wings, pumpkin cheesecake and chocolate mousse. I am ready to do battle with Win Vista 64 again (slow as molasses after the last update). Hope you all had a nice Halloween.