In the lilly pond with the frogs... Did I mention there was a red slider turtle too? Yes, red sliders like lilly pads too and this one is just small enough to hop out on a lilly pad -- well, almost.
Photos of birds, fish, flowers and miscellaneous things that catch my eye and instill a sense of wonder.
While we're on pictures of seals and sea lions, the Navy Seals were out training the other day (at least that was my best guess). They swam two huge, awkward platforms across the bay, tossed each other around on the grass, jogged up a few miles and back and then swam the platform back to the other side. It all looked like some serious work to me. But then hey, that's why they're Seals and I'm not.
This little dog has a hunting streak in him. There was a flock of American Coots that was slowly swimming out of reach while his owner kept ahold of the leash. Silly little dog wanted to go swim out after them (as if a swimming dog could really catch up with a Coot!). I suppose it's the spirit that counts!
As opposed to the seals that had reserved a whole beach, the California Sea Lions (Zalophus californianus) had reserved a nice wide piece of rock. They were all stretched out in the sun and lying all over each other in one big snuggly mass. The seals like their space but the sea lions are all for free loving. This picture shows one of the new sea lion pups howling for Mom while another is busily draping himself over pup #1. Oh, and less you think they are too snugly, note that male sea lions reach 8 ft. in length and 860 lbs. Sea lions' natural predators are Orcas and White Sharks.
There is a little beach in La Jolla called the Children's Pool; aka., the seal beach. It is the only beach in San Diego (that I know of anyhow) where you can see wild harbor seals up close. They pup there and generally hang out all year round. One can only imagine that seals used to live like this on beaches all up and down the coast before the Sunbathers took over the place. Either way, it's an incredible opportunity to teach kids and adults alike a little more about nature. However, there is a contingent of La Jolla residents who would prefer the beach be "seal-free" so that the kids would have one more place to swim. Now, I happen to think that the kids, especially rich La Jolla kids, have lots of places to swim but only one place to see wild seals. In any case, it's a huge commotion in the city. Some guy is suing to force the city to dredge out the pool and scare off the seals. The conservationists are suing to have the marine mammal protection act enforced. What a zoo (no pun intended)! As for me, I'm taking all the seal pictures I can while they're still there.
We saw this Horned Toad (really a Horned lizard but, hey, that's what they call them), Phrynosoma platyrhinos, up in Mission Trails Park. He was out basking in the middle of the path. They live largely on ants, eating up to 100 a day. The spines protect them from snakes, roadrunners and other predators.
This is a Kori Bustard or Ardeotis kori. It comes from Africa including Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and North Tanzania; there is also a Southern population. It took a while to find the name of this exotic bird but I finally found in a listing of birds of Kenya. This Kori Bustard was eyeing the ground closely, looking for food. He also had a slight limp as he stalked the grassy areas.
I went shopping at Fred's the other day for a few new plants. Can you say Orch-a-holic? I also brought the camera along. This is a picture of Cattleya lueddemanniana var. semi-alba named after M. Lueddemann, an orchidist who live in Paris in the late 1800s. Hahah, you two could have a genera named after you if you discover it! I suspect the good ones are mostly gone, however...
The cheetahs were out at the Wild Animal Park. It was a cool, drizzly day and that suited them just fine. Ironically, the keeper was in the pen with them yacking away about Cheetahs, their lack of genetic diversity and other topics. Would you get in a cage with not one but three Cheetahs? He barely seemed to be mindful of them being there. But wait, is that a cheetah scratch on his cheek?
Have you ever had one of those grouchy days when you just wish everyone would leave you alone? This American Coot, Fulica americana, is certainly having one! I spotted a female with eggs in a nearby papyrus clump and the male may have been acting territorial around the nest. Whatver the case, he was chasing all comers!
Happy Palm Sunday! It's a beautiful sunny day outside here in San Diego (if a bit nippy). It was hailing something awful last night but you wouldn't know it from today's sunshine. The hail was coming down so hard I was wondering if it was going to come through the skylight. I have pictures but it's just the pea sized stuff. Maybe I'll throw up a picture for the next posting.
Meanwhile, the ducklings are out! Yay!!! They are always so adorable. These two were following mom in drinking from the pond. I'm not sure what species they are since most of my books key off of Dad, not Mom and especially not the babies. Mom had a brown head with a white bar just up from the beak and a white bar between the head and the neck. Below the neck she looked kind of like a teal with a patch of purple feather on the wingtip (see picture above!). Suggestions are welcome.
I'm off to enjoy my Sunday! Have a good one.
This is a photo of Paphiopedilum var. album 'Arnie'. Paphiopedilum is an Asiatic species of slipper orchids. In North America and Europe, we have Cyprepedium and in South America, Selenepedium and Phragmipedium. As noted by the name, this is an albino form of the normally stunningly colorful Paph. haynaldianum with its greens, vibrant magenta and chestnut browns. It normally hails from the Philippines. The seed on this takes around a year to mature and the alba varieties of this species self-pollinate.
It's Springtime, the flowers are blooming and the Scrub Jay, Aphelocoma coerulescens, is back (and with a girlfriend, I might add)! Scrub Jays are a member of the crow family and frequent brushy areas and chaparral, which I happen to have in my back yard. They are rumored to tame and get quite used to people although the pair in my back yard are pretty shy. This picture was taken with a 500mm lens.
A Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus, stands guard near its nest. It occasionally would lift a wing as if it was broken in a disply meant to lure off predators. It is so named for its noisy nesting behavior (why would you want to make noise when you are nesting anyhow?). This picture was taken at Santa Rosa Ecological Preserve.
Poor Mr. Badger looked so sad I decided to take his picture as kind of a badger memorial. Mr. Badger, you see, was part of a stuffed exhibit at the nature center at the Santa Rosa Ecological Preserve. I would guess he was donated or perhaps confiscated. Hard to say really. In any case, let this be his little badger memorial of happier times in the meadow at the ecological preserve.
Coyotes get around. However, by my house, they only seem to come out at dusk or at night. However, at the Santa Rosa Ecological Preserve, this large coyote was wandering around in daylight. Admittedly, it was around 5pm so perhaps he was just getting a head start. He was marking the territory and howling without so much as a flinch at the people staring at him.
Here is a Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea, tending her nest just outside the Anza Borrego Wildlife Preserve Guest Center. I saw her hopping around and followed her back to her nest for the photograph. I didn't see the babies pop up in spite of all the fussing she was doing around the nest. Perhaps she was still in construction? However, if they were in there, they're pretty well protected up there in that very spiny cactus.
Spring is really gorgeous in San Diego. Highway maintenance has planted all sorts of amazing flowers that just light up in Spring. There are huge swaths of California poppies and even bigger stretches of purple ice plant. This patch has a beautiful mix of Lupine and California Poppies. I used my little pocket camera but it's nice enough that I may need to haul the Nikon to work with me tomorrow (heavy bulky thing that it is...). Stay tuned.
The desert is alive in wildflowers right now. We've had an extremely wet Winter/Spring and everything is blooming. Wow. Miles of sand was just covered with purple, yellow and white flowers. It's a few weeks of glory and then it all disappears but what a sight! Shown here is Coyote Canyon near Anza Borrego. The flowers were growing all along the road and extended up to the hills. Coyote Canyon has one of the few springs that is active all year round and hosts a herd of Big Horn Sheep as well. In the foreground is Dune Evening Primrose, Oenothera deltoides and Sand Verbena, Abronia villosa (purple).
I just finished a major draft of my paper. I know, what a boring, dull way to spend a Saturday. Here's a picture of a flowering plum (I think...) that I caught with the sun highlighting the rain drops last weekend. Spring is here. The desert is in bloom as well. I may have to take a study break for a desert tiki-tour. Laters...