Hummingbirds are territorial. Bert has adopted our little hummingbird feeder as his own, fiercely defending the feeder from other birds. He's been there for about a week or two and doesn't mind posing for a picture or two.
Photos of birds, fish, flowers and miscellaneous things that catch my eye and instill a sense of wonder.
Here's a short video of an Aloe in full bloom in the front yard in February. It really adds a lot of color to the yard in February when most things are not blooming yet. The bees are pretty happy as well as this aloe literally oozes nectar when in full bloom and attracts bees from miles around. I shot the video with the intent of capturing some of the bees on video. You can hear them buzzing around my head as I was taking the video.
Here's a picture of Mercy Air doing a fly by over the parade. They were probably staying ready in case there was an accident or someone had a case of heat stroke. Or, they might have just been enjoying the festivities. Either way, I was impressed at how much detail you can get out of the old 500mm lens. They were quite high and moving fast but that lens just zoomed right on in there! You can even see the medical symbol, i.e., the staff with the snake on it, painted prominently on their tail.
The lilly pond at the botanical gardens was full of bullfrogs. You could hear them chirping from quite a distance. Most of the little ones jumped under the lillie pads as I got close but this big one wasn't worried for an instant. They're actually rather pretty although you won't find me kissing one anytime soon!
This is an Aloe tomentosa in bloom at the local botanical gardens. I snapped this shot because of the unique, heavy, white hairs (hirsute) that cover the flowers. I wondered what their purpose is in nature, whether they protect the flowers from UV, repel water, gather dew, repel insects or other such useful purpose. I suppose they could just be hairy for hair's sake although it seems unlikely.
I've seen these for sale as "Naked Lady Amaryllis" or sometimes as Amaryllis belladonna; however, I suspect that they are not Amaryllis at all but rather Lycoris squamigera. They grow in huge green leafy clumps in the springtime. The leaves dry up and disappear in June. Then, in August (yes, now), huge spikes burst up out of the ground in an Amaryllis-like fashion. The spikes amazingly go from near nothing to 3 foot blooming spikes in a week or two, making a tremendous display. If you live in zone 9-10 (aka California or other warm spot), they are hardy, quick growing and very showy. These are from my front yard.
I found this fruit ripening at the botanical gardens the other day. I have no idea what it is but it was quite bright and showed good texture so I snapped a picture. Both the fruit and the leaves are reminiscent of lychee (lichee, leechee) as if they are some sort of related species. If you recognize this fruit, please send a comment as I searched google high and low and came up notably empty. I may have to go back to the botanical gardens and hunt for a sign...
Isn't it amazing how a flash can give anyone the eyes from Hell? Don't they look just totally demonic? It even makes this cute little bunny look like the rabid, vicious, killer bunny from Hell! I'm told it is just the light reflecting off of the blood vessels of the inside of the eye. It still looks like rabid killer bunny to me! Muuhahah...
I found this Rufous Hummingbird hanging out at the Quail Botanical gardens the other day. It's pretty amazing that a flash works this well at about 20 feet distance but he was just hanging out and I was keeping the Nikon very busy. These guys are one of the few hummingbird species (as in only) that migrate all the way up to Alaska although this one obviously found a good thing at the Botanical Gardens here in San Diego.
They say that the parents go into the closet when the kids come out. While this Mom was a little camera-shy when she that big lens of mine pointed her way, I had to snap a picture because it means so much to me to see parents that are willing to get out there and stand up for their kids. Way to go, lady. Good job.
It has been HOT and HUMID lately. Perhaps we are spoiled in San Diego by the normally dry weather but the mugginess is making it hard to sleep at night. This Polar Bear at the San Diego Zoo has a nice refrigerated pool to dive into which he is making good use of. Hope you are "bearing" the Summer heat as well.