I hiked down the cliff to Black's Beach the other day. I most enjoy that beach during the cold winter months since the beach is nearly deserted and I can spend time photographing the birds. Between the weather and the hike down the cliff face, the place stays pretty empty during the Winter. True to form, the pelicans and I had the beach all to ourselves. The pyrite-laden sand sparkled gold and black, forming little wave patterns along the beach and thousands of pismo clams glistened in the waves. A light fog was slowly rolling in, adding a dull haze through which you could see the steep sandstone cliffs, carved in dramatic formations with the La Jolla pier visible in the distance. Wow, what a day.
As for the LSAT, well it's done and over with. I did fine. Fine meaning likely good enough to get into the law school I'm applying to. However, it's all on a curve so I won't really know for a month or so. Either way, it's done and I'm chilling out. I can get back to sleeping at night instead of worrying about the LSAT and the Nikon D200 is back out of the drawer. The two of us are going to do some serious picture snapping(big silly grin). I'm already looking forward to it.